Thursday 8 November 2012

Byron Bay

This is my newest snowglobe.  Look how fantastic it is! It has surfers on it. Byron Bay is on the New South Wales coast.  I would like to go there one day.  It was a great surprise to get this snowglobe. Thanks to Mick for bringing it back. 

Saturday 3 November 2012

Bali and Thailand!

Here are some pictures of globes which were given to me by Mrs Roberts.  One is from Bali in Indonesia and the other is from Thailand.  At my school I do Indonesian classes.  I  cant choose which one I like best.  The Thailand looks like it it full gold! They are brilliant!

A light-up snowglobe from Singapore

This is a light-up snow globe from Singapore.  I got this one from Narissa.  The globe says I love Singapore.  I think the lion looks like the loch ness monster.  The pearls under the lion light up.  This is my second light-up globe my other one needs new batteries.

My first snowglobe from Germany!

Here is a snowglobe from Rothenburg in Germany.  Mrs Milich gave this one to me.  I have found out Germany is also called Deutschland. Rothenburg is special for its old buildings from the middle ages.  This picture below is exactly the same as in the snow globe!

Map of snow globes around the world

Here is a map which show where all my snow globes are from.  My Dad helped me to make this with gogledocs and maplist.  I have 28 snow globes now.  I need to find some more from Africa and Asia and South America to fill in some spots on the map.  Thankyou to everyone gave me great snow globes.

Thursday 30 August 2012

York Minster

York Minster

Here is the first and newest snow globe on my blog.  It is  cathedral in Europe.  It is one the world's best and oldest cathedrals. It is located in the city of York in England. This snow globe was given to me by Mrs McGuffie who is a school principal.  She carried it in her bag all the way from England to Australia!

Here is a link to some information about York Minster

The first church was made in 627 AD!

Above is a photo of York Minster